Unable to configure Default SMTP Route (Smarthost)

Issue #260 resolved
Roshan Jonah created an issue

Unable to find the configuration or settings page for changing the default SMTP Route (Smarthost). I have the latest PRO version but cannot find it anywhere. Its not on settings page or anywhere else.

Comments (14)

  1. Scott MacDonald

    Login to your admin panel.. <URL_to_your_mail_server>/admin ---> Click the link on the left for "System Settings" and scroll down the page -- You'll see titles like "System Settings, Relay settings, DNSBL, Default SMTP Route..." Its the Default SMTP Route that you want. Place a tick in the checkbox and then enter the IP or FQDN of your smart host.

  2. Roshan Jonah reporter

    That's the thing. I don't see it there and I am supposedly on the latest version.


    The image I am on seems to be the latest PRO version image. See below.


    Am I upgrading incorrectly? I don't seem to get it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  3. Scott MacDonald

    If you have been using the PRO version for a while.. you might need to STOP and DELETE your container -- leaving your data intact. And then execute docker commands to RUN a new container -- as just pulling a new image will not update an existing container.

  4. Roshan Jonah reporter

    Yup, you were right. That did the trick. So to all the folks who are having a similar issue with an upgrade (or I could be the only one)...Here is what I did as per Scott's suggestion...


    DOCKER UPDATE - MUST “su root”

    docker stop $(docker ps -q)

    docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

    docker login -u "username" -p "password" https://poste.io

    docker pull poste.io/mailserver

    docker run \ -p 25:25 \ -p 80:80 \ -p 110:110 \ -p 143:143 \ -p 443:443 \ -p 465:465 \ -p 587:587 \ -p 993:993 \ -p 995:995 \ -p 4190:4190 \ -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \ -v /home/imagename/data:/data \ --name "imagename" \ -t poste.io/mailserver

    docker restart imagename

  5. Scott MacDonald

    Cool.. however I would recommend using "docker stop "imagename" rather than docker kill -- as stop is a graceful shutdown. Data is better preserved with the docker stop method.

  6. Scott MacDonald

    Just curious -- Are you able to still acquire Letsencrypt certificates with Poste.io FREE or PRO?

  7. Roshan Jonah reporter

    I haven't made any changes to the domains so didn't have the need to run Letsencrypt. Is it not working on the latest version for you? I rather not touch or I might have another headache till that is fixed up. For now, it is all good!

  8. Scott MacDonald

    Nope, doesn't appear to be working on the latest version of PRO. I'm in the process of testing both FREE and PRO right now to see if it was anything to do with my setup. I've created a new ubuntu server and configuring docker in order to test it out.

  9. Roshan Jonah reporter

    What if you were to issue cert manually? That could be a temp fix?

    Also, do you happen to know how to make the external SMTP smart host authenticate via TLS? It doesn't seem to be doing that and I am getting authentication failure.

  10. Scott MacDonald

    If you are attempting to have your mailserver use your service providers mailserver to deliver mail -- you will need them to add your assigned IP to their "relay hosts" to permit/authorize your server.

  11. Roshan Jonah reporter

    I don't believe that's the case. They accept connection from anywhere. I think it is to do with plain auth. I don't think Postmark supports it.

  12. SH repo owner

    @Roshan Please try latest image ":dev" tag, there are more sophisticated log reports and also different smarthost support

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