SMTP Server consumes 100% CPU and refuses new connections

Issue #276 closed
yannikh created an issue

Recently I had multiple times the problem that the SMTP Server would not accept any new connections. Checking the server I noticed the the Server consumes 100% CPU:


Note that only SMTP is affected. All other services continue to work fine.

Since I see 15 processes here, I guess that the limit of 15 paralell transactions is reached. However they all seem to come from a single ip address (in china) which is probably a malicious client.

I can't figure though what the server is actually doing. If I grep qmail log/messages I see there is nothing unusual - except that there was absolutely no log output for the last 10 hours (where I suppose the SMTP-Server was unavailable).

The last log-file in log/qpsmtpd/2018-04-04 says:

2018-04-04 21:20:12 [karma] - fail, tolerated
2018-04-04 21:20:13 [tls] - pass, connect via SMTPS
2018-04-04 21:20:14 [earlytalker] - pass, not spontaneous
2018-04-04 21:20:14 [relay] - skip, no match
2018-04-04 21:20:14 - 220 MY_SERVER_ADDRESS ESMTP
2018-04-04 21:20:15 - dispatching EHLO ADMIN
2018-04-04 21:20:15 [helo] - karma -1 (-1)
2018-04-04 21:20:15 [helo] - fail, tolerated, not FQDN
2018-04-04 21:20:15 - 250-mail.MY_SERVER_ADDRESS Hi Unknown []
2018-04-04 21:20:15 - 250-PIPELINING
2018-04-04 21:20:15 - 250-8BITMIME
2018-04-04 21:20:15 - 250 AUTH LOGIN PLAIN
2018-04-04 21:20:15 - dispatching AUTH LOGIN
2018-04-04 21:20:15 - 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
2018-04-04 21:20:15 - 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6

(Server address replaced in the log).

So what is it doing? Is it trying passwords? I think it should not be that easy to lock down a mailserver. What can I do? Is there some log-file I missed that logs failed authentication (so I can use it with fail2ban?) This problem basically renders my mailserver useless.

Comments (3)

  1. yannikh reporter

    @S H: Did you change anything? If yes: what was the problem? If no: I updated right before submitting this issue, so it should have been the most recent version at that point...

  2. SH repo owner

    We changed qpsmtpd for Haraka. See

    It is known attack vector of old setup - attacker exhaust connection forks with login testing - not easy to fix generaly without major rewrite. v. 2+ use Haraka which handles connections async way which is much cheaper and also there is automatic blocking of naughty clients.

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