DKIM mail signature not present

Issue #30 resolved
Former user created an issue

In log /posteio/work/data/log/qpsmtpd/2016-01-21/FrTopNOl

2016-01-21 10:21:39 [sender_permitted_from] - skip, relay client 2016-01-21 10:21:39 - 250, sender OK - how exciting to get mail from you! .... 2016-01-21 10:21:39 [dkim] - skip, DKIM not configured for $domain

For domain :

docker exec 1dd0bb0e74b7 poste domain:dkim -v

Current DKIM configuration: selector: s20160104399 public key: -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIIBIjA..........................AB -----END PUBLIC KEY-----

private key: -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

Comments (3)

  1. Marty Brands

    The symlink in /etc/qpsmtp/dkmi is not created correctly. It is pointing to /data/domains/$domain (literar "$domain", not the domain name itself). You can fix that easily by removing the incorrect symlink and create the correct one (replacing $domain with your domain name). After a restart of the docker image the incorrect symlink is back.

    It should be fixed in the code somewhere so the symlink is correctly created (and stays correct after a restart).

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