PATCH /admin/api/v1/boxes/{email}/sieve fails

Issue #308 resolved
Alexander created an issue

Attempt to update sieve filter via API still fails in v2.0.3 pro

Also, script parameter is missing in API doc (i guess it's because of the bug)


Comments (4)

  1. Scott MacDonald

    The API would be functioning within the docker container and therefore have access to port 4190, but just out of curiosity have you exposed port 4190 when running/starting your container??

    -p 4190:4190

  2. Alexander reporter

    It does not work either way: No matter if port 4190 is exposed or not. It must be broken as it stopped working with the v2.x pro versions. Furthermore, getting sieve data via API is working, but not posting sieve data via API. Also, if it was be a port issue, neither would work.

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