Delivery Logs - 500 Internal Server Error - v2.0.3

Issue #310 resolved
Scott MacDonald created an issue

Upgraded to v2.0.3 on May 4th (approximately 11:30pm). Tested following upgrade, everything seemed to be functioning as expected. Delivery logs for May 4th and 5th are accessible and seem to work as expected. However, delivery logs for May 6th and forward (like today May 7th) are inaccessible and result in a "500 Internal Server Error" as noted in the screen capture below.


Comments (4)

  1. Scott MacDonald reporter

    Here is an excerpt from /opt/admin/var/logs/prod.log:

    [2018-05-07 14:48:35] request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Exception: "Can't parse row "2018-05-06T05:37:32.773Z [2521523F-33DE-494A-A5E9-F4E06DFFFAD7.1]  () <> -> <> - [33.564205][<>] 250 Quarantined! (2521523F-33DE-494A-A5E9-F4E06DFFFAD7.1) "" at /opt/admin/src/ProBundle/Logs/TransactionLogs.php line 109 {"exception":"[object] (Exception(code: 0): Can't parse row \"2018-05-06T05:37:32.773Z [2521523F-33DE-494A-A5E9-F4E06DFFFAD7.1]  () <> -> <> - [33.564205][<>] 250 Quarantined! (2521523F-33DE-494A-A5E9-F4E06DFFFAD7.1)\n\" at /opt/admin/src/ProBundle/Logs/TransactionLogs.php:109)"} []

    the php function log_show seems to be choking on some unexpected value that got logged in the delivery log file.

  2. SH repo owner

    You can temporarily fix this by removing one space between " ()" at delivery log file. Or just wait to another release

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