Connection to SMTP server fails from client

Issue #376 closed
Julius Eskola created an issue

I previously had problems with which i eventually figured out myself (TLS certificate update failed, but it was due to my firewall). In the process of trying to debug certificate renewal i updated my image to the latest one. It now seems i cannot receive or send email. The Haraka service has some communication issues, as it is running, but not accepting any requests (for example if i go to Roundcube and try to send email, it responds by SMTP (-1), can't connect to server). I can connect to services part of Dovecot just fine. The web administration panel looks deserted and no stats are getting collected. If i check the server status section, it states that all services are running. The users part is showing "0" even though there are online users. I went to the container's terminal and tried to figure out what is wrong, i also checked debug section. It seems that Haraka is running, however it eats unusually high amounts of CPU power, perhaps it's trying to restart constantly. Some logs have not been created after i installed the fresh version. I do not know where to check the SMTP server's logs as the ones provided in the debug section (and those i have so far found myself) do not provide any clues about why it is not working. The only thing that i've so far discovered is the following error,

mkdir: cannot create directory '/data/queue': File exists
mkdir: cannot create directory '/data/queue/smtp': Too many levels of symbolic links
mkdir: cannot create directory '/data/queue/submission': Too many levels of symbolic links

Best regards, Julius

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