What is current version

Issue #399 resolved
Alexander created an issue

What is the current version? I understand it's 2.0.14, but latest changelog is 2.0.12? If it's 2.01.14 - can you please update the changelog?

Comments (8)

  1. SH repo owner

    Actualy it is 2.0.13 (it essentialy contains only fix of #366)

    2.0.14 is poste.io/mailserver:development (PRO only and built every git push if nothing fails)

  2. Scott MacDonald

    Looks like the latest PRO build is not getting to the Docker Cloud. Trying to 2.0.14 and getting the daemon error, both "latest" and "2.0.13" have the same IMAGE ID and CREATED date.

  3. SH repo owner

    Yep, I am sorry for that - Docker cloud build is failing again with some nonsense error like "ERROR: Highland: unable to process this request" while free version built ok

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