Do Poste SMTP + IMAP + HTTPS servers use the same TLS/SSL certificate?

Issue #400 resolved
Greg created an issue

Per this question, I would like to have Poste accept an SSL certificate and key that I pass in via -v or volumes: (which are generated in another container via my own Let's Encrypt and nginx setup).

However, once that is figured out, it's still not clear to me from the documentation what TLS/SSL certificate do Dovecot and Haraka use?

Do they generate their own random ones? If so, that's a problem not only because it becomes difficult to verify and pin them, but also because they're self-signed certificates and therefore might get rejected in server-to-server message relaying.

Ideally they would use the same one as the HTTPS server would use (or in my case, the one's that I'd somehow pass in via volumes:).

Comments (3)

  1. SH repo owner

    It uses the same cert - there is no problem using volume, but you will need restart whole container every time new cert is generated. I am closing this as there is #79

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