Is there a way to disable built-in Let's Encrypt?

Issue #401 resolved
Greg created an issue

I'm currently exploring how to pass in my own certificate, but another question that I can't seem to find the answer for is how to disable Poste's attempts to generate a Let's Encrypt certificate on its own?

Comments (3)

  1. Greg reporter

    Yeah but what if Let's Encrypt turns evil or something better comes along? The ability to pass in your own certificate would be very useful in such a case. Plus, I have a container that I've setup for handling all my Let's Encrypt certificates and renewing them. I don't want to have Let's Encrypt stuff split across multiple containers, and I don't want to use someone else's setup.

  2. Greg reporter

    @analogic - Will using Poste in this way — by supplying my own certificates as described here — cause any problems with Poste and its Let's Encrypt stuff?

    That's what I'm mainly concerned about — I don't want my supplying of certificates to come into conflict with Poste's Let's Encrypt system.

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