Serious problems…

Issue #426 closed
Foddy created an issue


we have some serious problems with PRO 2.0.15. Our users get blocked every ten minutes and their emails are not sent because of very bad karma score from -9 etc. // even if they try to send mails to internal domains / their own domain!?

Can you please help us to find the issue?

Best Foddy

Comments (4)

  1. Scott MacDonald

    Are you seeing the karma score in the delivery logs?

    Have you tried stopping and removing the current container then start a new one?

  2. Foddy reporter

    Hi! Thanks for you fast reply.

    I've tried everything. Stopping and recreating a whole new container, disabling the IP Connection Blocking feature, disabling the outbound antivirus and spam checks and so on... We just also figured out that we can set up any relay but the mailserver is still sending mails directly from our network?

    Oh and btw after saving a config in the settings I am facing this kind of errors:

    Bildschirmfoto 2018-08-23 um 16.15.31.png

    I am unsure if it really applies the settings. The settings.ini file does. But do I have to restart the container after changing anything in the settings?

  3. Scott MacDonald

    Curious.. Did you mean setup any "Default SMTP Route"? As the "Relay networks" is for allowing inbound email to be received/sent without any authentication being required.

    Also the IP connection blocking only applies to connections that fail to properly connect and send/receive emails from your server.

    Are all you user's attempting to access their email accounts experiencing the same issue with getting blocked??

    Did you recently upgrade to v2.0.15? Or having you been using it all along and this problem has just occurred?

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