Request: Queued Email

Issue #433 resolved
SB created an issue

Is it possible to be able to add a list of email messages sent which are currently queued for delivery?

i.e. email messages which are retrying servers which were not available / greylisting etc.

For example: 3498d2bca31aa912 Sent 14:32 Fail count: 1 Next retry: 15:32

Comments (6)

  1. Scott MacDonald

    Good suggestion.. ability to see the messages queued for delivery as well as those that have been delivered would be nice. Perhaps a section within the delivery logs showing the number of messages queued and the ability to drill into their headers?!?

  2. SH repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Good news. Firts implementation is mostly done - waiting only on some code goes through review and limited production test

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