Sieve Filter

Issue #459 closed
Former user created an issue

Hi, I need to store a specific e-mail based on (sub)string in Subject but it seems doesn't work. I'm using latest free dockerized

I'm using Roundcube to define filters or 'admin' UI.

Please, can you help me?



Comments (13)

  1. S B

    Is MAD a valid directory for that mailbox? It may need to be pre-made, if it has not been already.

    It may also be case sensitive.

  2. Angelo D'Errico

    MAD is a folder that already exists.

    I can't see where Sieve logs is logging... May be problem permissions on 'data' folder on the host machine?

    I don't know why this filter is not working :-(

  3. S B

    Could you test it using one of the system folders, to ensure the script is valid? I know this is not where you want it to file, but it will show us if the problem is with the script, or the folder.

    require ["fileinto"]; if header :contains "subject" "MAD" { fileinto "Junk"; }

  4. Angelo D'Errico

    I confirm you that it doesn't work.

    The E-Mail account configured on, receive e-mail(s) using 'imapsync' from an official mailbox. May be this is the problem? There isn't any Log file to see?

    Thanks in advance.


  5. S B

    If you are using imapsync I believe it may bypass all the delivery checks and just insert the email directly into the inbox. You can test by setting up a new account and running the filter on that, then checking in it's webmail.

  6. Angelo D'Errico

    I've executed the scenario you suggested me and it works!

    But... Why 'imapsync' delivers e-mail in Inbox but filters doesn't work? I think it's strange (or not)?


  7. S B

    Well I think because when you sync the account, the email is already "there". It has been delivered to the inbox, and you are just replicating it.

    To use this function, I think you will have to filter it where the email arrives (and not on the mailbox which is just synchronising what is there).

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