Update from analogic/poste.io:1.0.7 20171120

Issue #467 closed
Nikita Magretov created an issue

We havent updated since analogic/poste.io:1.0.7, but i cant even start data folder with analogic/poste.io:2. Is there any way to upgrade from old image?

Comments (10)

  1. Scott MacDonald

    Yes, you can but I believe you'd need to do it in stages. I updated from 1.0.7 to 2.0.4 without issues and then have kept pace with each subsequent release to current (2.0.18). So you could try that.

  2. Nikita Magretov reporter

    After an updating from 1.0.7 --> 2.0.4 or 1.0.7 --> 2.0.4 --> 2.0.18 (or maybe even before) i cant get into "System settings" menu

    Oops! An Error Occurred The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error". Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

  3. Nikita Magretov reporter

    And i get those messages during first start or from container launching log

    PHP Notice: Undefined index: spamassassin_inbound_enabled in /opt/admin/src/Analogic/SettingsBundle/Config/SpamassassinInbound.php on line 43 PHP Notice: Undefined index: spamassassin_inbound_block_score in /opt/admin/src/Analogic/SettingsBundle/Config/SpamassassinInbound.php on line 44 PHP Notice: Undefined index: spamassassin_inbound_headers_add in /opt/admin/src/Analogic/SettingsBundle/Config/SpamassassinInbound.php on line 45 PHP Notice: Undefined index: spamassassin_inbound_change_subject_enabled in /opt/admin/src/Analogic/SettingsBundle/Config/SpamassassinInbound.php on line 46 PHP Notice: Undefined index: spamassassin_inbound_change_subject_score in /opt/admin/src/Analogic/SettingsBundle/Config/SpamassassinInbound.php on line 47 PHP Notice: Undefined index: spamassassin_inbound_change_subject_prepend in /opt/admin/src/Analogic/SettingsBundle/Config/SpamassassinInbound.php on line 48 PHP Notice: Undefined index: spamassassin_outbound_enabled in /opt/admin/src/Analogic/SettingsBundle/Config/SpamassassinOutbound.php on line 32 PHP Notice: Undefined index: spamassassin_outbound_block_score in /opt/admin/src/Analogic/SettingsBundle/Config/SpamassassinOutbound.php on line 33

  4. SH repo owner

    Please add/replace these lines in data/server.ini and restart container:

    ; All incoming emails will be passed through additional spam filter (spamassassin) with following settings.
    spamassassin_inbound_enabled = 1
    spamassassin_inbound_block_score = 12
    spamassassin_inbound_headers_add = 1
    spamassassin_inbound_change_subject_enabled = 1
    spamassassin_inbound_change_subject_score = 6
    spamassassin_inbound_change_subject_prepend = *****SPAM*****
    ; If you really don't trust your authenticated users or relayed ip or its critical for you to avoid blacklists you should check (and eventually block) outgoing emails.
    spamassassin_outbound_enabled = 0
    spamassassin_outbound_block_score = 10
  5. SH repo owner

    It is strange error because it points to code not in latest version so please ensure you are starting latest version.

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