rcpt many connections

Issue #488 closed
Former user created an issue

my newly installed server is consuming a lot of storage and sending unknown emails? Does anyone know what happens? I noticed many rcpt connections, how do I disable it? https://poste.io/qpsmtpd/rcpt-database


Comments (28)

  1. S B

    It may also be on an IP which was previously an open relay so bots will be trying to send on it anyway.

    It may also be an open relay or a whitelisted IP address sending them?

  2. Leandro Freire

    Well I really do not know what's happening, the server was recently deploy with portainer in a new vps of the "contabo" (I had no problem with the ip of the account) I realized that it came flooding all the storage, I had not released any ip to send emails without authentication. tbm I will not release the port 22 of the container only those that are in the documentation. Thank you so far.

    delivery log file

  3. Leandro Freire

    and why do not the sent emails appear in the registered accounts? I do not even understand that someone had discovered the password of any of the accounts should appear as sent by the account in question, however and as if it were a mass slave.

  4. S B

    alertsecurity@ameli.fr is sending the emails.

    It is likely this is not setup on your system as a user (so will not show under 'Top Users')

    Next steps -

    (1) Go to "Blacklist/Whitelist" and send a screenshot or tell me what is on there.

    (2) Go to 'System Settings' and report what is in "Relay networks"

  5. S B

    On System Settings, click the Email Processing tab and tell me if Default SMTP route is setup (do not screenshot your secret key)

  6. S B

    I am sorry, from what we have diagnosed as far as I am aware this should not be allowing email to be sent through relay.

    All I can suggest is to check the user/authentication logs. Are the account passwords secure? and is strict header check on?

    Maybe others can help with what has been provided so far.

  7. Leandro Freire

    I thank you very much for your cooperation and for being very helpful, thank you very much. I am really worried about this issue, and a great project would not like to change Deepin Screenshot_20181030230315.png

  8. S B

    There should be a user log file (like the delivery one you sent) which will show us if users are connecting or not. (Sorry I don't know where this will be found in the free version)

    All I can think is an account has been compromised, and "strict header" check is off, and this is not logged as "usage" (top 10) when sending out in such a way.

    Have you checked https://mxtoolbox.com/ to test the diagnostics? Open relay, etc.?

    On a side note - Stick with the mail server, we use it in production and it is excellent. You will find the help you need here soon.

  9. Leandro Freire

    thank you for your nomination, I had not gone through this situation of open relay yet, but it seems that's it. now how to block it? Is it possible to do only with SPF registration? Deepin Screenshot_20181031000942.png Deepin Screenshot_20181031002033.png

  10. SH repo owner
    1. shutdown your container first
    2. delete data/queue directory

    what host system are you using? how are you starting container?

  11. SH repo owner

    also please look into any file at data/log/delivery/conn/../../... and paste it here / or send it to me to info@analogic.cz

  12. Leandro Freire

    Hello, I'm using a vps of "contabo", this one with docker-swarm + portainer and traefik in front.

    version: '3'
          HTTPS: 'OFF'
        image: analogic/poste.io
          - "25:25"
          - "110:110"
          - "143:143" 
          - "587:587"
          - "993:993"
          - "995:995"
        hostname: mail.uniaoestudantil.com.br
          - "traefik.docker.network=proxy"
          - "traefik.enable=true"
          - "traefik.frontend.rule=Host:mail.uniaoestudantil.com.br"
          - "traefik.port=80"
          - "traefik.frontend.entryPoints=http,https"
          - "traefik.frontend.redirect.entryPoint=https"
          -  /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
          -  data:/data
          - proxy
            constraints: [node.role == manager]
        external: true

    Deepin Screenshot_20181031081722.png

    my ingress is Deepin Screenshot_20181031080806.png not Deepin Screenshot_20181031080819.png

    many conn logs, I'll post soon

  13. SH repo owner

    S B: you are right

    There is https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/25526 for docker swarm (I suspect that kubernates have similar problem too). Best would be to run container in network=host mode (docker swarm 17+), but it will most likely conflict with traefik. I will asap add patch allowing to move http to different port

  14. Riccardo Pomato

    @analogic, unfortunately it has the same problem with or without host mode. Is it possible to close totally the relay? Why it always reply with code 250?

  15. SH repo owner

    @tetus72 please find log of some of latest connection at data/log/delivery/conn.. and send me that to info@analogic.cz - to your question the only way IP can be relayed is that IP is at relayed addresses or is whitelisted

  16. S B

    Could this be an issue with IPv6? I have just had a thought and checked the MX output for the server above and it returns IPv6 information. Maybe it is not handled, or processed incorrectly?

  17. Leandro Freire

    @tetus72 Can you tell me if your host has some service running on port 25?

     netstat -tulpn | grep -E -w '25 | 80 | 110 | 143 | 443 | 465 | 587 | 993 | 995' 
  18. SH repo owner

    @sb123 "hostname" is not problem - it is currently used only at installation and is not required at all

    please update to 2.0.19 and go to https://<yourserver>/admin/server/connection

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