Timeout while sending message

Issue #497 closed
Quentin Dupont created an issue


I have another timeout issue when I want to send a message. The message contains a big (21Mo) Zip file attached.

I'm using KMail, but I think with another email client it would be the same problem. Look at my screenshot (i'm sorry it's written in french). The message get's stuck in the "to send send" folder (boite d'envoi). And the message "Echec du transport du message. Délai d'attente du serveur" means something like "Failed sending the message. Server timeout".

Is there's a server configuration to change for me to be able to send message with large files attached ?

Thank's in advance,


Comments (5)

  1. Quentin Dupont reporter

    Webmail work's OK. But I'm not allowed to send so big attachements through webmail (maybe due nginx default configuration).

    Sending email with lowest attachements size works well. I have followed the installation instructions shown in the poste.io website

    docker run -e "HTTPS=OFF" -p 25:25 -p 81:80 -p 110:110 -p 143:143 -p 587:587 -p 993:993 -p 995:995 -p 4190:4190 -h "mail.tonner.re" -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -v /home/poste.io:/data --name mailserver -t analogic/poste.io

    I've just disabled the https protocol (for making a reverse proxy on the host as i'm using the host for other things). I'm not using the host network stack (--net=host). I would like to use it but I don't know how to edit the http port on nginx to moove it to 81 to avoid the container using the 80 default port.

    About SMTP authentification, I havent changed the default configuration. I think my email client needs my user password to send messages. And I can't find any options on the admin web pannel about SMTP authentification.

    As for mxtoolbox, here is the result attached in this post. It blames me because SMTP connexion time and transaction time is too long. Maybe because i'm not using the host network stack ? Screenshot_20181103_170806.png

  2. S B

    Check the 'Size Limit' option in the server:

    Size Limit.PNG

    Connection Time...

    From the developer - "slowing connection time is one of it is one of connection filters which helps identify valid senders." See https://haraka.github.io/manual/plugins/early_talker.html

    If your webmail is working with attachments (even if 2mb) then it will likely be your client. Have you tried using Microsoft Outlook?

    How big is the attachment you are trying to send? (Slow upload speed?)

    Authentication details:


  3. Quentin Dupont reporter


    I made a misconfiguration on my KMail client. I was using authentication and TLS on port 25. I mooved to 587 and now I can send my 21MB attachment.

    Quite weird.

    Thank's for helping me and sorry for this report that's not a bug.


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