Bad karma problem

Issue #501 closed
André Abreu created an issue


First off all let me thank you for this awesome project.

After updating from poste v1 to poste v2 some emails were not sent. After some debug I realize that the issue was from karma records.

554 very bad karma score: -10

For some reasons (I think) karma gets a negative value because the client send some unknown commands. The client in this case is Microsoft Outlook.

2018-11-08 16:55:24.464713500  [DEBUG] [4A2F90BD-2400-4033-B4F2-DA7AD6E7F4F3] [core] running connect_init hook in karma plugin
2018-11-08 16:55:27.586156500  [INFO] [4A2F90BD-2400-4033-B4F2-DA7AD6E7F4F3] [karma] score: -12, good: 0, bad: 173, connections: 173, history: -173, awards: 004,005,007,086, asn_score: -174, asn_connections: 174, asn_good: 0, asn_bad: 174, msg:deny:guard, fail:all_bad, asn:all_bad
2018-11-08 16:55:31.672197500  [DEBUG] [4A2F90BD-2400-4033-B4F2-DA7AD6E7F4F3] [karma] tarpitting ehlo for 4s
2018-11-08 16:55:35.741554500  [DEBUG] [4A2F90BD-2400-4033-B4F2-DA7AD6E7F4F3] [karma] tarpitting unrecognized_command for 4s

I thinking to change haraka-plugin-limit configs or even disabling it in config/plugins. I want to know what is your opinion about this?

Thanks, André Abreu

Comments (2)

  1. SB

    I found a similar issue to this but I discover if you set "Invalid connections count threshold" to 100 (System settings / Advanced tab), this mostly disappears

  2. SH repo owner

    Please setup all your clients to port 587 or 465 with SSL/TLS and authentication!

    • these ports has no delay, no karma and are supposed to accept emails from regular people
    • port 25 is determined to accept emails from other mailservers
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