Donate to prioritize issue fixes?

Issue #519 new
Greg created an issue

Hi, so since I have some experience setting up mail servers myself, I'm mostly OK using the free version of Poste (since the paid version is an expensive yearly-subscription).

However, I would still like to financially support this project in some way. So maybe it would be possible to have other ways of supporting the project?

Here just some suggestions:

  • Basic donation page, with cryptocurrency payment options
  • Donate to have specific issues fixed faster (prioritize issues). I would especially like to have this option :)

Comments (6)

  1. SB

    Surely buying the product is the donation? I don't think the cost of this mail server is in any way excessive. It is not uncommon for investments of £1,000+ over the life of a mail server.

    I am not against donations from users for the free version, but I think it would not be fair that issues with say a £10 donation are prioritised over requests from those who pay the full price for the pro version.

  2. Greg reporter

    I don't think the cost of this mail server is in any way excessive. It is not uncommon for investments of £1,000+ over the life of a mail server.

    By that admission, poste is a pretty expensive investment if you pay the asking price for it, which is $349 per year, and that comes out well over £1,000 over the lifetime of the server.

    I'm a developer of both closed and open source software myself, so I totally get it. However, it's not an uncommon business practice to offer multiple tiers and ways of paying. Poste already offers two paid tiers. I guess I'm wondering if there's room for more / different / diverse payment methods? If not, what about discounts for non-profits?

  3. SB

    I realise $350 may be a lot to some, but certainly for business this would be at the lower end of costs for mail servers. If you look at other options, many charge per-mailbox! Remember you are getting upgrades with this, it is not uncommon to purchase a mail server and then pay $300-400 just in upgrade protection.

    +1 for charity discount.

    I always thought a monthly payment model would work well for this kind of thing, instead of 12 months upfront.

  4. Greg reporter

    Also, it's possible that some of the people who are already paying for the yearly subscription would be willing to pay extra on top of that to have enhancements added. Basically, what I'm asking is: please make it easier for people to give you money!

    Some people have too little and would like to pay less, some people have too much and would be happy to pay you more. :D

  5. Scott MacDonald

    Yes, certainly for a business that generates a revenue stream from the implementation of mailserver the $350 USD yearly fee is on the low end of the scale. However, a business or individual with a focus on privacy or wanting more control over their domain might feel differently about the ongoing annual cost. Having said that there is the free version, but it does lack a few features (domain admin) for those wanting to delegate management of emails without having to hand over the keys to the entire server.

    I feel the donation option would be a welcome addition to the payment options. I realize from a business perspective it's an unpredictable revenue model, but it is simply an additional option.

    Another option might be a the addition of a "lite" version with the features of the PRO version but limited to a number of mailboxes so as to gear it towards small businesses and individuals. Perhaps something like 100 mailboxes for $99/ year. Might entice those using the FREE version that see benefits in the PRO to buy in.

  6. Roman

    I think that is not author's main job, it's only one of many projects... I'm not sure if some $10 donations will change anythink.

    If i want to build my own mailserver from scratch it will take A LOT of time, it's not worth $350. Own mailserver also needs some maintenance (OS updates, never ending antispam tunning...), its A LOT of time again, not woth $350 per year.

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