port mapping

Issue #521 closed
Alexander created an issue

As ports 80 and 443 are already in use on the host system where I run, I run it in docker bridge mode. I understand that it would be far better to run it in host mode, but would conflict with port 80 and 443 of the host system.

Is there a possibility to change port 80 and 443 of to use some other ports so I could use it in host mode? Or is there a way to solve this differently?

Thanks for your assistance!

Comments (3)

  1. SH repo owner

    There is HTTP_PORT and HTTPS_PORT environment variable where you can use custom port BUT the you will not be able to use let's encrypt cert if you don't properly forward /.well-know/ directory.

    Second option is to use bridged mode but only with iptables (no docker-proxy processes, --userland-proxy=false dockerd option), but there is problem that it will not work with ipv6 (unless you will handle ipv6 differently). Userland proxy sadly will not work because it is hiding source IP which poste is heavily relying on.

  2. Alexander reporter

    Thanks for the answers, they help me a lot! I will go for the HTTP_PORT and HTTPS_PORT option then as I'm not using let's encrypt certs, but commercial (paid) certs anyway.

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