Relay limit problem

Issue #554 closed
Roman created an issue

I want to use my server as "open relay" for internal network and use per-IP limits so single IP cannot sent a lot of spam or use my server for mass messaging. In IP/net i created rule with * as selector, this rule is not displayed (it just flashes shlortly when opening IP/net page.

Comments (3)

  1. SH repo owner

    "it just flashes shlortly"

    Can you please try different browser? Do you have latest version? It sounds like javascript has some problem when loads but there should be no js loading...

  2. Roman reporter

    Mea culpa I have something in "search" box and it filtered list on this page. I don't expected that filter is preserved while navigating over whole webinterface. I think GUI is little bit messy here as "create new button" and seach field are on same line.

    Sorry for that, Roman

  3. SH repo owner

    No problem. I am still unsure if search memory is good from UX perspective. I will probably adjust behaviour in future somehow

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