Issue with 25 port

Issue #557 closed
Netgains Technologies created an issue

Hi Team,

Hope u r doing well. As discussed in my previous issue #552 we have discover that my is through errors due to multiple IP's.

Now it's working fine thanks again.

Now i'm getting issue with 25 port. It'll only telnet on localhost and banner showing of Post-fix.

Please see the attachment. postio issue with 25.PNG

Comments (5)

  1. Scott MacDonald

    Looks like you're using CentOS? Correct?

    If so, then you must stop and remove the default postfix install. It is installed and configured by default in each CentOS installation.

    systemctl stop postfix

    yum remove postfix

  2. Scott MacDonald

    No worries. I started using CentOS in the very beginning cause it was the industry standard, secure, regression tested, and stable platform for hosting and applications. Years later I realized it was a huge learning experience but Ubuntu server is by far more friendly and just as secure. Just my two cents.

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