Quarantine sort order

Issue #577 closed
Lukas Lipp created an issue

Current version: Version 2.0.23 FREE

Since we are currenty having problems with lots of false positive quarantine items, I have to go through the quarantined list a lot. This is tough, since the items are listed quite randomly and if you select an action for an item (deliver/delete) the page jumps back to 1.

Here are my proposals:

  • Quarantine items should be sorted by their arrival time in descending order by default
  • On action, the current page stays the same (javascript request?)

Cheers, bLind

Comments (6)

  1. SH repo owner

    Fixed in latest. I would rather hear story about false positives - I am not using quarantine list that much

  2. SB

    Lukas what are you spam threshold settings? We use 12 to quarantine and it picks up 97%+ with only 1-2 false positives (which usually turn out to be blacklisted mailservers anyway).

  3. Lukas Lipp reporter

    I have now disabled the quarantine.

    This might be a problem with the way we are handling the mail alltogether: We have a mail provider with a very limited storage capacity. Since the mailbox filled up too quickly, I set up the poste server. All messages are forwarded to it by a filter service on the provider server.

    Now all mails come in through something*.ispgateway.de. The quarantine picked up at least 5 important messages per day.

  4. Alexander

    As far as I can see it, your setup is the issue, as the source IP is an important factor to set the spam score of a message. We have an average of about 1500 entries per day listed in the delivery log and an average of about 300 messages a day that end up in quarantine. It's extremely rare we have false positives in quaratine. When we have, it happens mostly with mails originating from transactional services (such as automated notifications) or mails being forwarded from other systems. Since we have whitelisted the IPs of the services affected, we have eliminated this problem (maybe that's a way for you to go as well!)

  5. Lukas Lipp reporter

    Yeah, that makes sense.

    The problem is, that there are too many servers used by our provider to whitelist them all. Also that would equally let through the ham and the spam, so what's the point? ;)

    To me it seems, that the only way to circumvent this issue is to not forward the mail from the provider. But then I have a DNS problem to solve :P Thanks for the input anyways! Appreciated.

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