After restarting the machine (VPS) the server does not start services

Issue #597 closed
Former user created an issue

I have to restart a VPS (Azure) that contains the docker and since then the docker container is up but the services not. The main trace is:

open_log: cannot open desired log file: /var/log/rspamd/rspamd.log, Too many levels of symbolic links Fatal error, cannot open logfile, exiting container should be running now at

nginx: [alert] could not open error log file: open() "/var/log/nginx/error.log" failed (40: Too many levels of symbolic links) [13-Feb-2019 10:37:23] ERROR: failed to open error_log (/var/log/php7.2-fpm.log): Too many levels of symbolic links (40) [13-Feb-2019 10:37:23] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration [13-Feb-2019 10:37:23] ERROR: FPM initialization failed s6-log: fatal: unable to mkdir /data/log/s6/p0f: Symbolic link loop s6-log: fatal: unable to mkdir /data/log/s6/haraka-smtp: Symbolic link loop 2019/02/13 10:37:23 [emerg] 18433#18433: open() "/var/log/nginx/access.log" failed (40: Too many levels of symbolic links)

FATAL CONFIG FILE ERROR Reading the configuration file, at line 11

'logfile /var/log/redis/redis-server.log' s6-log: fatal: unable to mkdir /data/log/s6/clamd: Symbolic link loop Can't open the log file: Too many levels of symbolic links s6-log: fatal: unable to mkdir /data/log/s6/php-fpm: Symbolic link loop s6-log: fatal: unable to mkdir /data/log/s6/redis: Symbolic link loop s6-log: fatal: unable to mkdir /data/log/s6/haraka-submission: Symbolic link loop s6-log: fatal: unable to mkdir /data/log/s6/rspamd: Symbolic link loop s6-log: fatal: unable to mkdir /data/log/s6/dovecot: Symbolic link loop s6-log: fatal: unable to mkdir /data/log/s6/cron: Symbolic link loop

Comments (5)

  1. Jose Antonio Espinosa Villanueva

    I finally started a fresh docker and copied the data avoiding copiyng the problematic logs and it works... But it is a big problem. It is a way to limit the log files to avoid this problem with high level of connections?

  2. SB

    Jose, I am curious as to what your user/connection count is?

    I think the error is not too many links, just an error with one or more

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