Service not starting up (missing user)

Issue #600 resolved
Former user created an issue

When I start the container I get an error "user delivery not found" Seems like that user is missing in /etc/passwd?!

Comments (6)

  1. Robert Obermeier

    This server is running for over a year now. So there is existing data.

    Nonetheless this should not be related, since updating the docker image and recreating the container causes the passwd file hence the users to be updated as well. It's not part of the persisted data. I was able to fix that issue by extending the Dockerfile to add the user.

    I do use a custom Dockerfile though. Even though this should not cause that problem I'm not totally refusing that it might be semi related. I can attach that file here if it is needed for further analysis.

  2. Robert Obermeier

    I was running 2.x.x and upgraded to 2.1.1 I'm not sure however what exact version I was running before. I do use the latest tag, and I don't keep track of the versions. I try to upgrade every other months. So I can only estimate a date range now :/

  3. Robert Obermeier

    I found the issue myself When you extend the image and do an upgrade apt removes the delivery(88) user during installing upgrades. I fixed it by re adding the user afterwards in the Dockerfile.

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