Some emails are not sent

Issue #640 closed
Piotr Manel created an issue

One of our clients complains that he could not send that specific e-mail. What could be the reason?

Comments (6)

  1. Scott MacDonald

    From the provided log file, it seems everything server side is good and that it is client side (the client is disconnecting). Could be the email client?!? Have they successfully sent an email to another email using the same email client software?

  2. Piotr Manel reporter

    Yes, other emails goes ok, even to same recipient. Looks like attachments are the only different thing.

  3. Piotr Manel reporter

    I can't check that. Question is why client did not receive respond email about "mail can not be delivered".

  4. SH repo owner

    Do your client have good internet connection? It seems to be sending attachments too slow and then it closes connection

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