How to send notification email besides the docker?

Issue #661 resolved
WaimanAu created an issue

I want my Ubuntu to send me email every day about my system status by SMTP, but the port 25 is already used by poste docker, is that possible to use the docker or other way to send root mail such as cron notification ?

Comments (4)

  1. Scott MacDonald

    You've got the mail server, why not use it. Bounce your host systems status emails through it.

  2. Scott MacDonald

    From the host OS the container’s ports should be available. Start with trying to use it as if it were local (localhost) on port 587 which is the better option to submit mail for delivery.

  3. SH repo owner

    I personaly use ssmtp (or msmtp). It can mimics sendmail for local/remote delivery (usefull especialy for cron notices...)

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