Let's Encrypt challenge token exchange test - Connection refused

Issue #663 new
Manuel created an issue

Hi poste.io team,

I’m really impressed by your product and thinking about buying the PRO version. Currently testing your free version but I’m facing on issue with Let’s Encrypt challenge toke test in server status menu.

The mailserver is runnig on a different server than my nginx proxy. Both are sharing a smb share hosting the .well-known directory. Both containers can write to the directory but the test is failing with connection refused. I’m using:




Why is the test failing and how does it work? Is there any log file I can check?
Many thanks in advance,


Comments (2)

  1. SH repo owner

    What do you mean with The mailserver is runnig on a different server than my nginx proxy. exactly?

    Thing is that LE needs to use port 80 to work properly

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