[Question] Is the log/delivery folder supposed to be so large?

Issue #688 closed
Dev Aggarwal created an issue

Hey there! Thanks for this wonderful project.

I’ve been running poste.io server inside a docker container for just a little over a week, and only for a small amount of test emails.

But I noticed that my server ran out of space.

After inspection, the log/delivery folder seems to be taking 7.3GB of space.

Is this expected behaviour?

Furthermore, Inside the log/delivery directory, the conn, tx and rx folders are taking up a lot of space, and seem to contain arbitrary file names that don’t seem relevant to the emails I have received or sent.

I am not sure what debug information you guys would need.

Comments (13)

  1. Scott MacDonald

    Is your mailserver publicly accessible even when you're not using it? If so, hackers and bots are always sniffing out mailservers to find ones that are insecure or an open relay. You could simply be logging the traffic hitting your mailserver that gets dropped.

  2. Dev Aggarwal reporter

    Thanks for the tip!

    Is it okay to delete this folder? Or is there a proper way to clean this up?

  3. Scott MacDonald

    Both Free and PRO versions in server settings have options for logs and purging their contents at whatever intervals. Use this, or shutdown your container and then empty that folder and start your container again.

  4. Dev Aggarwal reporter

    Hey, looks like my server is definitely being hit continuously by spammers.

    The dashboard shows an abysmal 14K emails delivered in one day!
    I added a blacklist to prevent my server from being overloaded now.

    But now, I cant send my own emails through. Could you please point me to any resources so I can prevent this?

    Even with the blacklist, the log folder is continuously increasing in size.

    The “hits” count is continuously increasing as well.

  5. Dev Aggarwal reporter

    I was able to fix the CPU usage by removing the whilelist and blacklist. But the `log` folder is still blowing up pretty fast.

  6. Alexander

    I suspect you have setup docker as bridge, but not as host network (see: https://poste.io/doc/network-schemes) If you setup as bridge, all you connections are seen as coming from your proxy ip If for some reason you are unable to run your docker in host mode, you should disable connection blocking in docker to avoid your issue; you do that in “System Settings” → “Advanced” → “Connection blocking”

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