Ignoring SSL/Plaintext-auth-Settings

Issue #732 resolved
Ralph Nauruhn created an issue

We upgraded from 2.0.20 (free) to 2.2.1 (Pro). Since then we always get an error in our application using this mail server:

”[AUTH] Plaintext authentication disallowed on non-secure (SSL/TLS) connections.”

We tried to change the following settings under: */PostIo/_data/_override/etc/dovecot/10-ssl.conf :

disable_plaintext_auth = no
ssl = yes

It seems that the setting ar ignored.

In 2.0.20 its worked very well but in 2.2.1 it doesn't work anymore.

After a Downgrade to 2.2.0 (pro) its works well again.

Best Regards

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