haraka ehlo 500 Unrecognized command

Issue #754 invalid
Eric created an issue

I am using latest version of poste.io, and i can send/receive with multiple domains.

  1. Why can’t I use curl or telnet clients, no commands are recognized:
telnet mail.myserver 587
220 mail.myserver ESMTP Haraka ready
501 EHLO requires domain/address - see RFC-2821
ehlo mail.myserver500 Unrecognized command

2. How do i enable debug mode in poste.io? please? It is nowhere in the docs. docker logs practically nothing

thank you!

Comments (1)

  1. SH repo owner
    1. error message tells you how to write ehlo, you need to use ehlo domain.com
    2. there are very detailed logs at your data dir
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