STARTTLS 500 Unrecognized command

Issue #761 new
Alex created an issue


I am getting the 500 Unrecognized command error every other time when I try to send a message on port 587 with version 2.2.19.

[<-] 500 Unrecognized command

I reverted to 2.1.11 and it seems to be working fine. I haven’t tried any other version. I am having this issue with ssmtp and also the PHPMailer library.


Comments (3)

  1. Alex reporter

    What is strange is that I have had another instance of version 2.2.19 running elsewhere for a while and it doesn’t seem to have this issue.

  2. SH repo owner

    Do you have custom TLS certificate? Haraka usualy don’t advertise STARTTLS when there is problem with certs

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