Sent Folder for SMTP Send

Issue #793 wontfix
Michael Suiter created an issue

Items Sent through SMTP on port 587 should be Inserted into the Sent Folder for their account if they signed in. This behavior is preferably configurable in the GUI.

Comments (2)

  1. SH repo owner

    Sent folder is IMAP "feature" and it is completely up to client. SMTP is not suited to manipulate mailbox at all

  2. Michael Suiter reporter

    This would be a great value-added (optional) feature. In some research I see suggestions use postfix do it with sender_bcc_maps and validate the sender to ensure that nobody “spoofs” their way into putting email into someone’s sent box. It is a way for a user to have a log of their own “Sent” messages, but definitely needs to be optional so it can be turned on or off at least system wide or even better per user. This is already the behavior of Office 365 and Google Apps.

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