Everything slows Down | fwrite(): SSL

Issue #831 new
Benjamin Favre created an issue

As I start sending emails I can see “Connections realtime” slow down.

I am sending emails from another server over SMTP and eventually my PHP process errors out and displays the following messages

PHP Warning: fwrite(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages:
error:1409E10F:SSL routines:ssl3_write_bytes:bad length in /vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/StreamBuffer.php on line 231
PHP Warning: fwrite(): SSL: Success in /vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/StreamBuffer.php on line 231
PHP Warning: fwrite(): SSL: Success in /vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/StreamBuffer.php on line 231

Comments (4)

  1. SH repo owner

    Are you using port 25?

    You should use 587 / 465 and authenticate yourself. Port 25 in our concept is for outer world server2server communication only.

  2. Benjamin Favre reporter

    To be clear I am foreaching my DB and sending out marketing emails.
    This happens after a certain period of time has passed, but everything is slow (including poste.io ui).

    I will try and give more info on the issue, but it has happened twice in 1 week. Feels like something to do with nginx.

    Otherwise everything else is top notch. Thanks

  3. 你说

    I also encountered this problem, when I adjusted some parameters, there was no more error. I don't know which one worked.


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    Inbound spam check =OFF

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