Port 25 disconnected

Issue #846 new
Mattia created an issue

from version 2.2.29 every two hours, the server load goes up and Haraka no longer responds to port 25.
I tried to update to the latest version, but nothing.
I went back to version 2.2.26 but it didn't fix that either.
All other ports 993 585 etc. they work. Port 25 to telnet only replies not reply message with "Haraka ready"

I think it is a connection limit problem, in which case it does not restart the service.

Comments (4)

  1. Mike DiMeglio

    This problem has occurred for me as well all the way back since 2.2.23 or so. I ended up putting in a cronjob to restart the whole docker container twice a day at which point everything once again works very well.

  2. Mattia reporter

    it seems to be a connection limit problem. Because it is not timed, in fact, it can happen every hour during the day, and never during the night.

    Did you reboot the container or service inside directly @Mike DiMeglio?

  3. Mike DiMeglio

    I used to just kill both haraka processes individually as needed, and they would restart automatically, but now for convenience I do a “sudo docker restart poste.io” via cron so I don’t have to log in manually every time.

  4. Equipe Ideacorp

    I'm having the same problem. Some users are complaining about the delay in delivering messages and when I went to see, port 25 is constantly disconnecting.

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