sync error with ics attachment

Issue #864 open
Gerben Wichers created an issue

I’m running the the mailserver version 2.2.23 FREE on Unraid in Docker and found the following errors in the z-push-error.log file when an email has an ics (calendar item) as attachment.

24/05/2021 20:04:17 [17159] [WARN] [] /opt/z-push/include/iCalendar.php:49 require_once(XMLElement.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory (2)
24/05/2021 20:04:17 [17159] [FATAL] [] Fatal error: /opt/z-push/include/iCalendar.php:49 - require_once(): Failed opening required 'XMLElement.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/awl/inc') (64)

Before I used to move these files to a folder that is not synchronised to my iPhone.

By installing: libawl-php into the docker emails with an ics attachment are being synchronised to my iPhone.

Comments (5)

  1. Gerben Wichers reporter

    Currently running Version 2.3.4 FREE # 1507 and still having this problem.
    When I receive a mail with a ics attachment, z-push starts to loop and re-synchronizes all items in my IPhone until it hits the item with the ics attachment and restarts synchronizing all over.
    After installing the “libawl-php” package (apt install libawl-php) synchronization runs flawless again.

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