Connecting from a single source to multiple mailboxes gets IP banned.

Issue #877 closed
Ben Mitchell created an issue


I have about 10 email accounts setup one one server, some are on the same domain and others are on different domains.

When the mail client updates the mail, Poste bans the IP. I assume this is because its hitting so many accounts from the same origin?

Could you look into this

Comments (4)

  1. Ben Mitchell reporter

    Just BTW, all of these mailboxes have the correct password. Removing the IP from the blacklist manually lets all mailboxes connect again. However, upon the second refresh it is banned again.

    A suggestion would be to allow unlimited pulls from authenticated clients and only ban ones that fail to login correctly (invalid password)

  2. SH repo owner

    If your client(IP) is doing 100 SMTP connections (default value) which in the end fails then you have some other problem than updating mail only. Inspecting logs might help.

    Or you can entirely disable this functionality at settings → advanced.

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