No ip command in new build

Issue #89 invalid
real3x created an issue

I've just update to the last build and it wont start, it throw an error :

finalize_network[37971]: bash: ip: command not found

Comments (3)

  1. SH repo owner

    Can you please paste whole log? It seems you have problem with host system - don't use ip command afaik

  2. real3x reporter

    Sorry, yes finalize_network is a script that i have wrote to change the default gateway of the container. For this i use the command:

    /usr/bin/docker exec --privileged posteio bash -c "ip route del default; ip route add default via $gateway"

    But in your last docker image the ipcommand disappear. So can you please add the iproute2 package in your image ?


  3. SH repo owner

    Ah, i get it now. Poste is using new xenial image and there will not be any package that is necessary to mail server itself.

    But you can always fix this simply by extending poste docker image by yourself...

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