
Issue #945 resolved
Shannon Miller created an issue

No incoming emails make it past the karma check. Is there a way for me to turn it off or change the threshhold?

Comments (7)

  1. Shannon Miller reporter

    I am no longer receivng any emails the karma system is blocking them all as very bad karma.

  2. Foddy

    I am facing this issue too since three weeks. Emails even getting a negative scoring (which is positive) are landing in quarantine!

    Is there any tricky way to disable Karma for now?

  3. SH repo owner

    Karma plugin is part of Haraka, can be turned off in config /opt/haraka-(smtp|submission)/config/plugins, see https://haraka.github.io/

    If you have some specifical problem haraka raw logs are needed for debug, see https://poste.io/doc/logs

    We have Karma enabled in multiple installations and there is no problem with it so far - most likely you have something strange with your installation or you are using poste in somewhat not typical way. Closing for now, please reopen with more info if you need to

  4. Salvation-Streak8-Gliding

    editing the config files to increase the threshold in opt seems to work but impossible to mount them as volume to keep the changes they appear half empty if i do.

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