outbound port 25 timeout on digital ocean

Issue #975 closed
Koshish Rijal created an issue

I ran with the following command

docker run --net=host -e TZ=Europe/London -v /home/data:/data --name "mailserver" -h "mail.contrate-me.com" -t analogic/poste.io

Comments (3)

  1. Marco Visin

    I had the same issue with Oracle cloud. In my case, it’s Oracle actively blocking outgoing SMTP connections to prevent spam.

    If you have a paid account, you can ask for removing such a limitation.

    As an alternative, you can setup a Sendgrid relay which is also available for free. That’s what I’m currently doing and it works perfectly.


  2. SH repo owner

    Yes, there are a number of service providers that do this. The solution is to ask to be unblocked (most will do this for a fee). Or second solution is to use a service that specialises in outgoing email.

    (we use OVH for dedicated hosting, there is no problem)

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