Request: Config.txt: new switch to disable/anable hosts blocklist

Issue #2 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi Matthew,

I was wondering if you could consider to integrate an additional switch in the config.txt to be able to disable the processing of the blockhosts. I have a quite large hostslist installed on my win7 - about 5.000 entries. I'm using the HostsMan and HostsServer from abelhadigital. Now when I use your Ancile it takes a veeeery long time to integrate the new hosts due to the duplicate check subroutine of your Ancile. In the past, when I have used the aegis-voat, I had to disable the hosts-importing manually in the script every new version. Now in the Ancile you have implemented the config.txt which I find very useful, so it would be very handy to have the switch there :)

Many thanks for your attention.

CU Scalar

Comments (5)

  1. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    Hi Matthew,

    That's great - just tested it and it works fine. Thanks :)

    CU Scalar

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