Are Monthly Quality Rollups safety?

Issue #25 resolved
Zoltan created an issue

Dear Matthew,

According to the uninstall_MonthlyPreview.lst file, the Quality Rollup Previews should be removed. What about the regular Quality Rollups (without "Preview" prefix)? Your script was updated at 18/12/2016. There were available Rollups at that time: KB3207752 (december rollup), and KB3197869 (november). They were not included in the script to remove. Are they safe? What do you think about that?

Comments (4)

  1. Matthew Linton

    two things about that:

    1. The latest version of Ancile (1.8) now updates several lists every time it is run. This has eliminated the need to update all of Ancile every time a minor change is made. so if you're using 1.8 or later, you will get the latest list of updates to uninstall.
    2. I've been trying to keep an eye on these monthly quality rollups. So far there haven't been any glaring issues that would cause me to add them to the blocked list. If you have any verifiable info that these updates are undesirable, let me know.
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