Skype is getting blocked...

Issue #33 resolved
Linda Meyer created an issue

Hi! Yesterday Ancile finally started to work properly on my Win 8.1 machine after following some great suggestions from this thread: Then I restarted my Windows. It took quite a long time for updating; since I didn't install any new Windows updates, I assume it was due to the changes Ancile introduced. Only today, when I started Skype, I noticed it doesn't connect anymore. It tells me that some Internet Explorer plugin or ad blocking software is blocking access (see attached screenshot). Any ideas what it might be about Ancile that blocks my Skype? A hosts file entry? Or something else? In my Hosts file I find a lot of entries designed to block Skype ads, but Skype itself? not sure... Any ideas? Thanks and best, Linda

Comments (2)

  1. Linda Meyer reporter

    I did system restore (to a point before the Ancile run), and Skype worked again. Ran Ancile again, Skype's still working. No idea what happened, since I have no idea what else might have caused the issue. Anyway, somehow it's solved. Have a nice weekend! Linda

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