Logfile: Project URL on GitHub brings error message 404

Issue #4 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi Matthew,

While analysing the logfile just at the top I noticed the entry pointing to https://github.com/matthewlinton/ancile which brings error message 404 when you try to open the link. I guess it has been overlooked as you have moved the repo to bitbucket?

Also I wonder if you could insert one or two empty lines at the end of the logfile (or something else), so if a existing logfile would be appended while starting the script again at the same day, it would be visible separation. At the moment there is no separation.

Thanks for you attention :) CU Scalar

Comments (5)

  1. Matthew Linton

    Good catch on the URL.

    I'll add some space at the end of each log for the next release.

    Thanks for all your help

  2. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    Hi Matthew,

    Great :)

    I also noticed this obsolete entry in the ancile.cmd

    SET BINSED=%LIBDIR%\sed.exe

    Be well Scalar

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