Elements remember their Adjust Element Positioning even after disconnecting

Issue #28 wontfix
Marc Syp created an issue

I was getting some seriously erratic behavior while using AEP on nested elements. After playing around for a while, I realized that the element was remembering its positioning parameters after disconnection, which I think was causing some kind of "build-up".

This is a pretty big deal, as it causes pretty erratic behavior. I can try to recreate this if you need an example.

Comments (4)

  1. Marc Syp reporter

    I was able to clear the element positioning by deleting and CTRL-Zing the element itself.

  2. Marc Syp reporter

    Hm. I just remembered that I created this issue already a while back, and went back and re-read it. I think we had a convo on Lync about it, but I don't remember why this wasn't possible to fix. Can you refresh my memory here?

  3. Andrew Heumann repo owner

    It's not possible because ui elements do not actually have "defaults". When you set the element width, it actually modifies the ui element itself - as soon as you disconnect, then the adjust element positioning component has to 1. figure out what the component was before you modified it, and 2. affect an object it no longer has access to (since it was just disconnected).

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