There should be a way to de-register the plugin

Issue #6 resolved
Andrew Reid repo owner created an issue

There is currently no easy way to remove the license key from a computer that that has previously had a license key entered. There are some legitimate reasons to want to do this (moving single licenses from PC to PC within an organisation as needed for example).

There should be a "deregister" button on the "About" dialog.

Until there is, you can use the following workaround:

Manually Deregistering GhostTrails with Regedit

  1. Run regedit by holding the Windows key down, typing R and then typing "regedit" in the dialog that appears and pressing ENTER.
  2. Choose Find from the Edit menu in the regedit app.
  3. In the dialog that appears, uncheck the "Keys" and "Values" boxes and make sure the "Data" box is checked. Enter your licence key at the "Find What" prompt and click "Find Next". regedit_1.png
  4. Regedit should find a key with a name of "GA" and your license key as the data. Delete this key by right-clicking on it and selecting "Delete" from the menu. regedit_2.png
  5. GhostTrails should now be unregistered.

Comments (2)

  1. Andrew Reid reporter

    This is now possible in version 3.64 of GhostTrails. The About dialog has an "Unregister" button if the plugin is registered.

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