Switch to google-style docstrings?

Issue #107 resolved
andrew_peterson repo owner created an issue

The docstrings we have are nice when viewed after processing with sphinx, but not so good when viewed in the code directly. Apparently if we use napoleon (which should be a standard part of sphinx version > 1.3), then we can use the easier-to-read google-style docstrings.

Comments (7)

  1. andrew_peterson reporter

    Let's use numpy style. (See here for the difference between google style and numpy style.) Chiefly we have chosen this since it's the style in use by ASE.

    We should use this whenever we add new methods/documentation, and try to update old documentation as we go.

  2. andrew_peterson reporter

    @muammar : I think you have been working on these -- are these conversions complete?

  3. Muammar El Khatib

    Hi Andy. Almost complete. I haven't merged back because I also have the new symmetry function that we discussed at the lab. However, I can merge back just the new docstring styles if needed.

  4. andrew_peterson reporter

    Probably a good idea to do those as two separate commits / merges, since they are so different.

    I was just going through some open issues seeing what we could resolve, so when you get this done we can resolve it.

  5. Muammar El Khatib

    Yes, you are right. I should have used a different branch for the symmetry function. I will create a new one to finish with the docstring migration and I will merge to master ASAP so that we can close this report.

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