Fix Amp tests for tensorflow

Issue #126 new
andrew_peterson repo owner created an issue

Currently the nightly tests crash on the tensorflow module. I think this is just a lack of an import. This will need to be fixed by me (Andy).

Comments (4)

  1. Muammar El Khatib

    I was able to compile tensorflow 0.11.0 to be used in the cluster. It is located at data/tensorflow-0.11.0-py2-none-any.whl. It can be used with

    [melkhati@login001 tflow]$ python 
    /users/melkhati/git/ase/ase/lattice/ UserWarning: Moved to
      warnings.warn('Moved to')
    /users/melkhati/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/ UserWarning: Converting sparse IndexedSlices to a dense Tensor of unknown shape. This may consume a large amount of memory.
      "Converting sparse IndexedSlices to a dense Tensor of unknown shape. "
    /users/melkhati/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/contrib/opt/python/training/ OptimizeWarning: Unknown solver options: factr
      result = scipy.optimize.minimize(*minimize_args, **minimize_kwargs)
    energy = [ 9.21283531]
    forces = [[ -8.12581391e-04   1.16090901e-04   3.04703750e-02]
     [  8.12581391e-04   1.16090901e-04   3.04703750e-02]
     [ -8.12581391e-04  -1.16090901e-04   3.04703750e-02]
     [  8.12581391e-04  -1.16090901e-04   3.04703750e-02]
     [  1.24919782e-18  -1.42049307e-18  -3.20296399e-02]
     [ -3.75179802e-18   2.60864460e-19  -3.68724391e-02]
     [  3.10347232e-19  -5.24846058e-21  -3.24361138e-02]
     [ -4.44363741e-18   2.26201100e-18  -4.46551517e-02]
     [ -5.12352537e-20   6.24709494e-19   2.70054769e-02]
     [  6.39803744e-24  -1.81508428e-18  -2.89363205e-03]]
    energy = [ 9.19882488]
    forces = [[ 0.00221454 -0.00025891  0.02273602]
     [ 0.01464948  0.01054202  0.00714763]
     [ 0.01515592  0.00740176  0.01972192]
     [ 0.00023322  0.00281066  0.01715012]
     [ 0.00117597  0.00776827 -0.01787526]
     [-0.01630559 -0.01878563 -0.02480217]
     [-0.00786576 -0.01463179 -0.01156852]
     [-0.00928736  0.00585999 -0.01516279]
     [-0.00027493 -0.00533345 -0.00548602]
     [ 0.00030449  0.00462708  0.00813907]]
  2. Simon Muller

    Could you comment on the warning "OptimizeWarning: Unknown solver options: factr result = scipy.optimize.minimize(minimize_args, *minimize_kwargs)"?

  3. Muammar El Khatib

    That warning has to do with the scipy.optimize.minimize "wrapper" not accepting the factr solver option. The factrkeyword argument is set here from the module tflow.pyin Amp. TensorFlow uses ADAM or L-BFGS-B as optimizers. In Amp the latter is default. As I see it, the tensorflow's ScipyOptimizerInterface module is imported from Then it receives, ExternalOptimizerInterface as an argument, and does:

    import scipy.optimize  # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
    result = scipy.optimize.minimize(*minimize_args, **minimize_kwargs)

    and the scipy.optimize.minimize does not accept factr. I think the way around this issue would be changing line 1171 in to use ftol instead of factr mentioned here.

  4. Muammar El Khatib

    I have observed some inconsistencies in the prediction from tensorflow NN. I slightly modified the test script for this module:

    diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
    index 69f2382..f83ec96 100644
    --- a/tests/
    +++ b/tests/
    @@ -62,21 +62,28 @@ def train_test():
         from amp.model.tflow import NeuralNetwork
         label = 'train_test/calc'
    -    train_images = generate_data(2)
    +    train_images = generate_data(15)
    +    train_images = train_images[0:10]
    +    print('Length: {}' .format(len(train_images)))
         convergence = {
                 'energy_rmse': 0.02,
                 'force_rmse': 0.02
         calc = Amp(descriptor=Gaussian(),
    -               model=NeuralNetwork(hiddenlayers=(3, 3),
    +               model=NeuralNetwork(hiddenlayers=(5, 5),
    +    train_images = train_images[-5:]
    +    print('Test Length: {}' .format(len(train_images)))
         for image in train_images:
    +        print("Energy =", image.get_potential_energy())
             print("energy =", calc.get_potential_energy(image))
    +        print("Forces =", image.get_forces())
             print("forces =", calc.get_forces(image))

    Below, I am posting target values vs predictions for one of the unseen images using TensorFlow 0.11.0. Properties with a capital letter are those coming from the original calculator and the others are ML predictions:

    Test Length: 5
    ('Energy =', 8.310588888972827)
    ('energy =', array([8.664198], dtype=float32))
    ('Forces =', array([[ 0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ],
           [-1.25839239, -0.52908486, -0.44971333],
           [ 0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ],
           [-0.3558867 ,  1.70085379, -0.58707117],
           [ 0.63315985, -0.92845858,  0.13016976],
           [-0.26600996,  0.45560162,  0.01447438],
           [ 1.93367376, -0.06405294,  0.65480354],
           [ 0.68849322, -0.24157533,  1.40880371],
           [ 0.12725669,  0.05685044,  0.38817817],
           [-0.08650451, -0.25796725, -0.62260205]]))
    ('forces =', array([[ 3.6847105e-03,  3.5128396e-03,  9.5515354e-03],
           [ 8.2092658e-03, -3.8295847e-04,  5.4547829e-03],
           [ 2.4447001e-03, -2.2697991e-03,  8.1457123e-03],
           [ 5.5896752e-03, -6.0966425e-03,  7.8025507e-03],
           [-4.7097844e-03,  3.6573287e-03, -6.8126558e-03],
           [ 1.0994184e-03, -6.6993287e-04, -6.6648466e-03],
           [-1.1098579e-02,  1.8842700e-03, -7.8503452e-03],
           [-5.3612911e-03,  8.1996399e-04, -1.6735876e-02],
           [ 1.8541722e-04, -1.7552178e-03,  7.1176267e-03],
           [-4.3533884e-05,  1.3001483e-03, -8.4821713e-06]], dtype=float32))

    As you can see, energy predictions seem right, but for forces, it is not the case. Using TensorFlow 1.6.0 is the same:

    Test Length: 5
    ('Energy =', 8.183153071890118)
    ('energy =', array([8.726102], dtype=float32))
    ('Forces =', array([[ 0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ],
           [-0.09430469, -1.75691708, -0.74334414],
           [ 0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ],
           [-0.32062687,  0.82518729, -0.20991994],
           [-0.00854701, -0.06651756,  0.76368747],
           [ 0.87476395, -0.26460163,  0.45419152],
           [ 1.15732471,  0.3518591 ,  0.50060917],
           [-1.00486088,  0.73141072,  0.78732044],
           [ 0.84537417, -0.2599461 ,  0.35097638],
           [-0.94463245,  0.28454476, -1.08690144]]))
    ('forces =', array([[ 0.00204374, -0.00087876, -0.00648994],
           [-0.00154252,  0.00188018, -0.00022534],
           [ 0.00164029,  0.00079411, -0.00620799],
           [-0.00169598, -0.00332731, -0.00135216],
           [-0.00205044, -0.00030446,  0.00346738],
           [ 0.00194829,  0.0006923 ,  0.00235331],
           [-0.00176497,  0.00147636,  0.00717454],
           [ 0.00087587, -0.00012318,  0.00458725],
           [-0.00537482, -0.00309596, -0.00819426],
           [ 0.00592053,  0.00288671,  0.00488721]], dtype=float32))

    Finally, by reverting the changes above and printing each prediction for the two images in the original test we get:

    ('Energy =', 9.391512796710966)
    ('energy =', array([8.907822], dtype=float32))
    ('Forces =', array([[ 0.00000000e+00,  0.00000000e+00,  0.00000000e+00],
           [ 1.13878891e-01, -7.27048925e-02,  1.66379366e+00],
           [ 0.00000000e+00,  0.00000000e+00,  0.00000000e+00],
           [ 1.13878891e-01,  7.27048925e-02,  1.66379366e+00],
           [-2.21177243e-17, -2.95553512e-16, -1.73360473e+00],
           [ 0.00000000e+00,  2.26635248e-15, -1.59103977e+00],
           [-1.75207071e-15,  1.76594850e-15, -1.72730447e+00],
           [-5.34294831e-16,  3.55271368e-15, -7.41800987e-01],
           [-4.11996826e-18, -8.32667268e-17,  8.09683455e-01],
           [ 0.00000000e+00,  0.00000000e+00, -1.67110814e+00]]))
    ('forces =', array([[ 2.7275153e-03, -6.7170954e-04,  2.5449730e-03],
           [-2.7275153e-03, -6.7170954e-04,  2.5449730e-03],
           [ 2.7275153e-03,  6.7170954e-04,  2.5449730e-03],
           [-2.7275153e-03,  6.7170954e-04,  2.5449730e-03],
           [-3.9048289e-19, -9.1108568e-19, -7.5114728e-04],
           [-9.1027742e-19, -4.8418743e-19, -1.1872562e-03],
           [-3.9402485e-19,  2.0781786e-19, -4.4262956e-04],
           [-7.3480563e-19,  3.4504131e-19,  1.3120837e-03],
           [-4.1095448e-21,  3.0218169e-19, -1.3046423e-02],
           [ 1.2543149e-23, -1.6664003e-19,  3.9354805e-03]], dtype=float32))
    ('Energy =', 8.765803171959153)
    ('energy =', array([8.910725], dtype=float32))
    ('Forces =', array([[ 0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ],
           [ 0.04438365, -0.0252446 ,  1.16583466],
           [ 0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ],
           [ 0.00512817,  0.0735986 ,  0.99858469],
           [ 0.13447516,  0.04628451, -1.25258365],
           [-0.16177521,  0.00476531, -1.12960904],
           [ 0.13352245, -0.06903842, -1.13518543],
           [-0.02881105, -0.11618577, -0.6047823 ],
           [ 0.01005221,  0.2448184 , -2.56701604],
           [-0.01026368, -0.23819793,  1.98938524]]))
    ('forces =', array([[-2.4364408e-04, -1.0109526e-03, -1.0723310e-04],
           [-7.4692571e-04,  1.5144423e-03, -2.9116340e-03],
           [-8.9384930e-04,  1.6709700e-03, -1.3705894e-03],
           [-8.4772491e-04, -9.0343715e-04, -4.4189831e-03],
           [ 3.4581765e-03,  4.7460230e-04,  2.1660191e-03],
           [-2.9057818e-03,  1.2856203e-03,  4.0753628e-03],
           [ 1.6220108e-03, -6.9638854e-04,  3.0755636e-03],
           [ 3.7753131e-04, -2.2243659e-03,  6.3252676e-04],
           [ 1.6954025e-04, -2.2936975e-04, -2.7846899e-03],
           [ 1.0666315e-05,  1.1887904e-04,  1.6436602e-03]], dtype=float32))

    It seems to be a problem in the loss function minimization?

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