Methods in model.__init__

Issue #164 new
Alireza Khorshidi created an issue

Andy and Muammar:

There are a lot of methods in model.__init__ that are not used in model.tflow. I am not sure if we need to move these methods to model.neuralnetwork, and only leave the common methods inside model.__init__. What about model.__main__ methods? Should we also worry about non-common methods inside model.__main__?

Comments (1)

  1. Muammar El Khatib

    Hi @akhorshi, I think that is a good idea. I have also realized that calculate_fingerprints_range is only used by model.neuralnetwork:

    muammar@nuc ~/brown/git 
      % grep -wri calculate_fingerprints_range                                                       !10443
    amp/amp/model/ calculate_fingerprints_range(fp, images):
    amp/amp/model/ . import LossFunction, calculate_fingerprints_range, Model
    amp/amp/model/            p.fprange = calculate_fingerprints_range(descriptor,

    I think we could move that auxiliary function to amp/amp/model/ instead of having it in an external module?.

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