SLURM_NODELIST formatted funny: node[572-578]

Issue #183 resolved
Xiang Zhang created an issue


In my case, the SLURM_NODELIST environment variable looks like node[572-578]. Line 84 in amp/ already deals with node[572, 578] so the problem is trivial. scontrol show hostname $SLURM_NODELIST seems another clean solution.

Also, amp.utilities.assign_cores doesn't seem to take precedence over the automated guesses, which prevents a user from fixing the problem by providing a custom cores dictionary.

By the way, ntasks-per-node might be empty as well - I usually use ntasks.

Thank you.

Best regards, Xiang

Comments (5)

  1. andrew_peterson repo owner

    Thanks -- we essentially got this working in our own queuing system, but rely on others to make sure it works for them.

    Perhaps you can provide a patch? The scontrol show hostname sounds like a clean solution, as you say.

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