
Issue #188 resolved
Efrem Braun created an issue

In, plot_parity and plot_error both use the same energy information, but if one wants to do both of them, they need to be called separately, and the energies need to be calculated twice. I think it makes more sense to have a single function, plot_parity_and_error, which makes both plots.

I don't think a user would ever want just one or the other of these plots, so I'd suggest getting rid of the individual plotting functions. I think it's a bit early in the project to worry about backwards-compatibility issues that might arise.

I'm happy to do the simple coding work and to put in a pull request. I just want to make sure I'm not overstepping any boundaries as a new user.

Comments (3)

  1. andrew_peterson repo owner

    Go for it! (Agreed there shouldn't be any worries about backwards compatibility for things in

    You might want to consider writing it as a class so that you can store the info and pass it around.

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