Folder Names

Issue #2 resolved
Alireza Khorshidi created an issue

Should folder names be "fingerprints" and "regression", or "fingerprint" and "regression"? What do you think?

Comments (6)

  1. Alireza Khorshidi reporter

    Thanks! Also, currently class NeuralNetwork is inside, such that the user imports it as

    from amp.regression import NeuralNetwork

    It could be also a separate script, and could be imported as

    from amp.regression.neuralnetwork import NeuralNetwork

    The former way has the advantage to be simpler to import, but the disadvantage that the user-defined regression class should be inside and the script will not remain pristine. Any preference between these two methods?

  2. andrew_peterson repo owner

    A good compromise is to structure folders like the second option; e.g., the class NeuralNetwork lives in amp/regression/, but there would also be a file called amp/regression/ with lines in it like

    from neuralnetwork import NeuralNetwork

    so that the user could still use the simpler import

    from amp.regression import NeuralNetwork

    This is how from ase import Atoms works.

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